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We are helping you navigate the ever-changing landscape of the supply chain world with exclusive insights and content.

Build a Trustworthy Logistics Partner Network

By: Pegasus Logistics Group
March 31, 2022
We believe we are only as good as our partner network. Understanding this fundamental truth pushes us to treat our partners as an extension of Pegasus.
Case Studies

Ford Meter Box: Confidence in the Climate of Change

By: Pegasus Logistics Group
February 22, 2022
If you're having trouble finding a logistics partner who meets your expectations, you'll relate to Ford Meter Box's story. Learn how they went from doubt to confidence.
Industry Updates

Negotiating Ocean Contracts for the 2022 Season: What You Need to Know

By: Pegasus Logistics Group
January 26, 2022
It can be a little nerve-racking going into ocean contract season this year. What should shippers expect as they prepare for rate negotiations?
Company Updates

Answering Your White Glove Logistics Questions

By: Pegasus Logistics Group
December 23, 2021
Pegasus started in the telecom marketplace where unique delivery requirements are the norm. Whether it is server racks going into data servers, kitchen equipment deploying into multiple retail locations, or ATMs moving into Financial Institutions, we deliver specific resources needed to meet your needs.
Industry Updates

5 Things to Consider for Any Project Rollout

By: Pegasus Logistics Group
November 29, 2021
Whether it is a new product launch or a store refresh for a large marketing campaign, time constraints compound the complexity of a critical distribution.
Company Updates

How Dashboard Visibility Gives You More Control Over Your Supply Chain

By: Pegasus Logistics Group
October 21, 2021
Download your free guide and realize the far-reaching benefits of implementing dashboard visibility.
Company Updates

The “Amazon Effect” & New Expectations of B2B Logistics [Part 4]

By: Pegasus Logistics Group
September 27, 2021
E-commerce and the “Amazon effect” have impacted the supply chain industry and shaped people’s expectations of logistics in the business-to-business (B2B) space.
Industry Updates

Picking a Logistics Partner for your Medical Equipment

By: Pegasus Logistics Group
August 30, 2021
Finding the right logistics partner in today’s world of complex supply chains is key to your success and your sanity.

When to Know It’s Time to Change Your Logistics Provider [Part 3]

By: Pegasus Logistics Group
August 13, 2021
In Part 3, we provide you with advice on improving your current logistics services and helpful points in searching for the right partner.
Company Updates

Streamlining Your Installation & Transportation Services

By: Pegasus Logistics Group
July 22, 2021
Read about how our client has decreased their labor cost for scheduling installs and decreased damages of their product by partnering with our team.

Consequence of Failure in the Final Mile [Part 2]

By: Pegasus Logistics Group
July 8, 2021
At Pegasus, we understand the critical nature of the final mile delivery. Our goal is to make you look good as we collaborate and learn your business.

What is Final Mile Delivery & Why is it Critical? [Part 1]

By: Pegasus Logistics Group
June 10, 2021
Every stage of the logistics process is crucial, but there is no point that’s a higher priority than that of the final mile delivery stage.

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